Monday, April 19, 2010

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Guess what we had for dinner tonight? That's right...bacon cheeseburger sliders. You must be thinking, "What's the special occasion? Sliders- I can understand. But bacon cheeseburger sliders...something must be going on." And you're absolutely right. It is not everyday that I fry up some Trader Joe's Applewood bacon and throw it on a burger. And you know what? Maybe that in and of itself was the special occasion. I had two burgers- one with bacon and one without. And the one with was far superior. Not to mention the avocado I generously spread on both sides of the burger. Things were well tonight. And to celebrate the bacon- and possibly the sliders too- we ate outside. On a blanket. And I didn't get impatient with my kids. And they didn't get impatient with me. And there was sun. That only the hedge received, but we still saw it. And we even all took pictures of each other.

I have never claimed to be photogenic and this is proof that I'm always telling the truth. Unedited. Out of options. And Dallin B, on the other hand, has always claimed to be photogenic. All their photography skills are on the line. I think this is Porter's first solo session, so we'll forgive him for cutting off heads and blurring us out. And yes those are still my workout clothes from my 8:30 am run hiding underneath my apron. At least I went running and at least something is under that apron!!


  1. Couple things here make me have a Trader Joes, youre eating outside and you work out in the mornings! Know that you are evied all the way up north in Oregon!

  2. Oh my drooling right now .... seriously you are so cute Gay! I MISS YOU GUYS!!! Those boys are getting too big!


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