Happy Birthday Gay!
As a special birthday surprise some friends & family of the
Girl Named Gay have decided to take over the bloggy for a day and tell our
Gizay just how much we adore her…
From the very first time you bounced up to me in 7th grade English with a, " Are you Teri Wallace's
sister?", my life was forever changed. You have taught me more about
living, loving, and laughing than any other person in my life. But most
importantly you have taught me life is for living. While I could on and
on about all of our different memories, some good and some bad (orange hair,
split cup slurpies, Double 07, hotel rooms, and singing) I know those live in
your heart and mind as they do mine. So instead, I will just say THANK YOU, for
bouncing into my life all those years ago and for still touching my soul even
though you are thousands of miles away. I am so very blessed that
God chose to put you in my life. Whether I am calling you Gay,
Gizay, Gaby Baby (but never Gabby) I will always call you my friend.
Happy Birthday to an amazing woman...my blue eyed
beauty. Here is to celebrating YOU! I miss you and cannot
wait to come to Austin to visit!
Gay Gay--You are such a great friend. You are kind, humble,
generous, loyal, hilarious, wise and profound and a heck of a lot of fun. You
make everyone around you better and it's not a party if your not there. You are
a secret keeper and incredibly thoughtful. You are so loved in the Palisades
and you are the kind of friend that no one would ever let go. Love you and
happy birthday!
Gay, there are two qualities you possess that make me love
u: you are admirably laid back and yet equally spunky! You make all the
craziness life bring seem so effortless. You have an incredible ability to push
your own cares aside in order to help others. You are wonderfully
compassionate, extremely giving, and more hilarious than I think you know! You
tell it how it is- no painting pictures, no wearing two faces. You're the real
deal and I love it. I love you. Thank you for being the bomb.com,
gay gay! I look up to you (and not just because you're taller)! You inspire me
to be a better person! Happy Birthday!
Happy Happy Birthday
Gay. I have always loved that your birthday is July 17th.. It turned a very sad
day for me into a reason for celebration :) I have now known you
for about 10 years and totally admire how you have lovingly helped Josh to
become a better person. I love your energy and how you carry out the
things that you want to accomplish.
I appreciate the way
you have planned great vacations and activities for our family. You are a
wonderful mother and have a very positive
way of bringing out
the best in your darling children. You have created a very comfortable
enviroment in your home and I love coming to visit:)
You have been
blessed with a very magnetic personality and have a ton of wonderful
friends. Everyone enjoys being around you.
Enjoy your
birthday.... I love you...
If I had to sum Gabrielle Hansen up in one word, it would
Sunshine. What is it about her? She lights up a room. Even the very
sound of her voice through the telephone just puts a smile on my face.
I always leave her a better person & somehow feeling like I can
conquer the world. She's loyal, honest, patient, spontaneous, always
up for an adventure & always just a phone call away. I'm not sure how
I got to lucky to have the honor of knowing Gay, but I am beyond
thankful and honored to call her my friend.
Thank you Gaybe for making me a better person! You have forever left
an impression on my heart.
Sunshine. What is it about her? She lights up a room. Even the very
sound of her voice through the telephone just puts a smile on my face.
I always leave her a better person & somehow feeling like I can
conquer the world. She's loyal, honest, patient, spontaneous, always
up for an adventure & always just a phone call away. I'm not sure how
I got to lucky to have the honor of knowing Gay, but I am beyond
thankful and honored to call her my friend.
Thank you Gaybe for making me a better person! You have forever left
an impression on my heart.
Gay, Happy Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day.
There are so many great things about you, but here are a few of my favs. I love
that you are never afraid to just be you, whether it be in how you dress or
express yourself. You are an amazing Mom and I love that you love your kiddos!
You have a gift for writing and I know I always tell you this, but you really
need to write a book already! I wish you luck with your move and hope that you
will adjust well and find your new niche out there:)
love ya girl-ali
There is SO
much that I love about Gay!! Love, love, love her!! She is so genuine and so
positive to be around. When I first met her I was a little intimidated ... our
husbands were best friends and everyone knew and loved her .... the second we
started talking I realized why everyone loves her We became such good friends
so fast and I am so grateful for that. Another thing I love about Gay is that
every time I talk to her on the phone I feel better about myself and better
about the mother that I am. No joke, if I need a boost I know who to call and
who will always listen to me and make me feel like a million bucks Even though
we don't live in the same state she really has been there, especially this last
nightmare of a year, she has listened to me complain and made me feel like I
could do it. That to me is such an amazing trait and the greatest thing to have
in a friend. She is also an amazing Mother and I really look up to how amazing
she is with her kids, and I always have. She loves those cute little kids so
much, you can just feel it. I love that. She is one of my greatest friends and
I am so thankful for her and her amazing example. Love you Gay and a very happy
birthday to you!!!
Love, Jess
Happy birthday to the girl named gay. She started off
as Gabrielle, got shortened to Gabey and then ended up Gay. Always
evolving, she is! Summed up, Gay is little bit spit-fire, real big heart
& soul. She lifts, inspires, & believes in you, as well as puts
you in your place. A big hug around the middle and a slight curse word in
the ear. Your biggest fan and cheerleader, with an occasional kick in the
biscuits. A great friend, great times, good conversations, good laughs,
cherished memories to last a lifetime.
Happy, happy birthday Gay!!
Happy, happy birthday Gay!!
Where do I even begin? Besides the
endless good advice that I seek from Gay... She is probably everyone's biggest
cheerleader. I look up to her in all aspects if life. As a mother, wife,
friend, etc. she has given me opportunities that I never would of dreamed of.
She is always there for you in a pinch and not only that but she checks in to
see how you’re doing. What kind of person with 4 kids and a LIFE a busy one at
that cares enough to keep following up to see how you are. It's my Gay Gay. She
is genuine, real, and legit. Here's to my girl. Thanks for believing in me from
day nĂºmero UNO over a salad, and for showing me to never back down to new
things. Thanks for teaching me about life, relationships, and pure friendship.
I'm so grateful for your influence in my life. This only explains half of how I
feel. The rest can't be put into words! Happy Bday sis!
Love ya.
Dearest Gay!
Happy Birthday my love! I can't tell you how much I look up to and admire you. From the good old days in LA when we would constantly invite ourselves over, I would watch in awe at your parenting skills. I constantly refer back to that when I'm talking with my boy and think ok what would Gay do! Haha! You are a wonderful friend, amazing person, and hilarious writer! I hope all your birthday wishes come true and those darling kids and husband spoil you. I wish we lived closer so I could invite myself over every day....one day it will happen.
Love you friend!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday my love! I can't tell you how much I look up to and admire you. From the good old days in LA when we would constantly invite ourselves over, I would watch in awe at your parenting skills. I constantly refer back to that when I'm talking with my boy and think ok what would Gay do! Haha! You are a wonderful friend, amazing person, and hilarious writer! I hope all your birthday wishes come true and those darling kids and husband spoil you. I wish we lived closer so I could invite myself over every day....one day it will happen.
Love you friend!
Happy Birthday
Gay, Gabey (my favorite), La Gay Gay, Gizay (your favorite),
like the numerous name options there are way too many qualities and
characteristics that make you YOU! Everything that is YOU is to be
admired. Because I find it impossible to list everything that is
impressive and I’m nervous to highlight those obvious Gabey qualities for fear
of limiting your depth of amazingness, I just wanted to tell you on your
birthday how much I love YOU for YOU. The girl from St. Louis who listens
to rap too loud with her kids in the car, to the girl in the Palisades who
became a woman as she listened to her own voice, to the force never to be
reckoned with regardless of where life takes her. Because if there is one
thing I know about Gabey, it’s that she’s a fighter and not just because she throws
the hardest punch of any girl one I ever met but because she is a
FIGHTER… for GOOD, for ALL, and that can’t be stopped.
can’t be stopped Gabrielle, Gay, Gabey (my favorite), La Gay Gay, Gizay (your
favorite) i.e. my best friend. I’m so lucky to have you. Happy 43rd
33rd Birthday! Love you,
Strikeouts inspired by Gay!
Gay, what can I
say!! I remember the high school days and the parties we would tear up
together:) I loved, as time and distance and circumstance changed, that
you loved the heck out of my kids. When you stole Kobe and slept with him
when Roo was getting married. How you would ask Colin the sound of
animals and then get into his "fridge" for a snack!
I have loved
watching you learn and grow raising four beautiful kiddos and being a wonderful
wife. I have also loved reading about your passions and expressing
yourself so creatively in writing.
I am so happy you're
having a birthday (now I don't feel so much older;) and that I get to see you
and the kiddos soon!
Happiest of
Birthdays to my beautiful sis!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAY! The Queen of hosts. She has always
made sure we had a fun filled time during our CALI visits. She really has
a contagious spirit for life. She is always there for you and in your corner
when you need her. Watching her evolve over the past 10 years into the woman
she is today has been so inspiring to me in my journey to find "ME".
She can cook like nobodys business! She owns the kitchen! She taught
me the tricks to making the BEST smore EVER! I have loved
watching our relationship grow from sister in laws to true SISTERS! Love you
Gay and wishing you the most AMAZING BIRTHDAY yet! :)
You are one of my favorite people of all time. I love your
concern for others. I love your thoughtfulness, your sense of humor and how
easy you are to talk to. I going to miss you living here but I know we will
always be friends and that makes the move less painful. Thank you for caring
about me and my family, for always being someone I can laugh, cry and just
hangout with. You mean a lot to me and you will be missed.
Much love,
Gay, A
laughing, smiling.
urban slang fo' shiz.
lovely Gay.
You know
how sometimes the orbit of your life crosses unexpectedly into the path of
another life and there's a burst of light and energy? The day-to-day of
my life is separated from Gay by space, time, age, and what busies each of us,
but those moments of contact are moments of brilliance! In a three day
trip full of running and beaching and eating and tripping over our 7 kids, we
manage to solve our problems, our husbands' problems, our kids' problems, and,
just to finish what we've started, the world's problems. She is strong
and funny and sharp and easy to love. I love the person she is and the
person she makes me want to be! Happy Happy Birthday to one of my very best
friends, EVER.
Happy 33rd birthday Gay!
Things I love about Gay: you are always up for a good time and a good laugh and are so fun to be around, you exude confidence and positivity that draw people in and want to be friends with you, you are caring and concerned for your friends, and you go after what you want in life without fear.
We've been friends for over eight years and you've become like family to me! We have seen each other through the births of seven kids total, several moves, and have countless great memories together. I hope your 33rd year is full of great new adventures and lots of happiness.
Much love,
Things I love about Gay: you are always up for a good time and a good laugh and are so fun to be around, you exude confidence and positivity that draw people in and want to be friends with you, you are caring and concerned for your friends, and you go after what you want in life without fear.
We've been friends for over eight years and you've become like family to me! We have seen each other through the births of seven kids total, several moves, and have countless great memories together. I hope your 33rd year is full of great new adventures and lots of happiness.
Much love,
Dearest Gizay,
You’re one of the funniest, most thoughtful, generous people
I’ve ever known. You’ve taught me so much about making things happen, loving
life, and treasuring memories. Truly, the list of things I’ve learned from my
Gay Gay is endless. Thank you for belly-laughing with me in the middle of the
night (or anytime past 8), encouraging my dreams, and being a light in my life.
I don’t think I could love you more if we were held captage together in Deseret
Storm. May your birthday be as colorful as a porcupine! I love you girl.
Happiest of Birthdays to you!
Happy happy birthday to you! To a loyal, loving, and incredible friend,
an honest writer, dedicated mama, my favorite blogger, and one of my favorite
peeps! You have a lot of great qualities, but one of my favorites about you is
your self confidence and how you know how to take care of yourself so that you
can take care of the rest of your crew. You balance everything in your life in
an incredible way, and I will always look up to that. We are (selfishly)
getting robbed of our favorite Hansen family. A short 10 months of So Cal
together wasn't enough, but Austin is lucky to get you guys. Hope today is the best
day yet, love you Gizay!
My dear, sweet sister!! Happy birthday! I love you and am so
grateful for the great example you are to me, and for the love you've given me
before I can even remember. Like the time you got my hefty little self out of
my crib to change my diaper when you were just 5. Or playing on the trampoline
in the middle of the night during summer. Or convincing me to wear my first
thong. Or letting me hang out with you at Ricks college and hang out with older
boys and play Mario Cart. You've always had my back and I'm so thankful for the
joy you bring me and those around you! I love you and the fun memories I have
with you. Happy birthday! I hope you had a year filled with fun memories and
your upcoming year can be filled with more of those fun adventures.
Happy Birthday
to you~
Birthday to you~~
BIRTHday sweet daughter Gabey~~~
BIRTHDAY to you~~~! And MANY more!
17th, 1980. A hot, humid day in Fenton, Missouri. Finally the
contractions are for real. Because we wanted to have the baby at home, we
had being seeing a doctor who made house calls. It is time to give Dr.
Duhart a call to let him know labor has started, then get things ready at home.
Jerusha (3 1/2) and Cali (2 1/2) are taken to the neighbors.
Anthony (7) and Micah (5 1/2) stay around to watch the event. They
take their box of popsicles and their lawn chairs out by the driveway to sit
and wait for the doctor's arrival. Dad and I wait in the house.
When the doctor finally arrives, he and the boys join Dad and I in the bedroom.
We do not know if we are having a boy or a girl. Since our family
consists of 2 boys and 2 girls, the anticipation is high to see how the tie
will be broken! We all get situated: the boys are seated on a bench a bit
back from the foot of the bed. I am laying on the bed; Dad is by my head,
holding my hand and coaching my breathing. The doctor checks me, says,
"It is time", and breaks my water. After a few moans and groans
and pushes from me, the doctor announces, "It's.... a GIRL!!!"
Our baby is finally here! What a precious moment! The doctor
checks you out (all is well), weighs you (10 lbs.), then packs up his bags and leaves.
We spend the afternoon rejoicing in the arrival of our new baby - YOU!!!
What a soft, round belly! What dark hair! What tiny fingers!
What tiny toes! The name we give you is "Gabrielle
Marie". Micah looks at you and says, "She's named after the
angel Gabriel and the angel Alby". (Explanation: My mother's
name is Wanda Marie. The grandkids call her Alby). SWEET:)
And an amusing moment--- Micah is sitting on the floor watching me change
your diaper. He says thoughtfully, "Well, Mom, it looks like all of
ours are going to come out white." I assume he is thinking about the
fact that Dr. Duhart is a black man!
all happened 33 years ago! What a wonderful addition you have been to the
family, Gabrielle! You have given us many wonderful memories, many tender
experiences. Thank you, thank you for coming to our house to live!
I'm so glad I get to be your Mother! I love you:)

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